User Management
Under the Manage Users page, you can find all the tools needed to manage the users of your organization.
Inviting Users
You can invite new users to your organization through their email. Upon sending them an invite, they'll receive an email with an invite link they can use to sign up to the platform as a member of your organization.
You can set the user's initial role when you invite them. You also have the ability to invite multiple users at once, making it easy to add your entire team.
You can also invite a list of users from a CSV
file by uploading it and clicking Send Invitation
If there are any errors, the cause will be displayed under each entry. Additionally, you have the option to automatically remove duplicate email invitations, keeping only one invitation per email. Invitations for emails without errors will still be sent
Inviting Users Directly to the Labs
If you want to directly invite users to an Academy or Dedicated Lab you can use the following steps :
The invite users tab does not allow inviting more users than the available seats. In the case that invited users to surpass the available seats of the plan, no invitations will be sent!
Inviting users directly to the lab will trigger an invitation email that displays the number of access days you chose for them
User Roles
Users on the Enterprise Platform can have any one of the following roles:
Admins have full control over the organization. This includes organization
settings, subscriptions, lab management, and team & user management.
Moderators can manage labs, teams, and users, but have no control over organization settings & subscriptions. They also are not able to invite new users to the organization.
Members are able to connect to and play the labs they have been assigned to, but have no management abilities.
Guests are similar to Members. After the assigned period has elapsed, guest users still retain access to the Enterprise platform, allowing them to view any other licenses they belong to and access the Dashboard, My Profile, and Explore pages.
Modifying User Roles
Under the Users tab on the Users Management page, the roles of users can be adjusted. Admins can modify the role of anyone, but Moderators can only modify the roles of other Moderators and below. They cannot modify the roles of Admins.
You can also remove a user from the organization entirely from this menu.
Assigning or moving a user to the guest role is irreversible and cannot be changed back to any other role. If you need to do that, please contact support.
User Lab Assignment
At any time, you can adjust which labs a user has access to by adjusting their seat. You can assign them to any lab your company has seats for, as long as the lab isn't at its maximum user quota.
You can remove you can unassign a user from a lab by removing their seat. Doing so will free up a seat in the lab's quota.
Team Management
Admins and Moderators can create and edit Teams under the Manage Teams tab in the Management menu. To create a new team, click the Create Team button. Once you've chosen a Team Name, Motto, and Avatar, you will be able to add users to the Team.
Additionally, the Team Captain can be set by clicking on the menu to the right of their name after they've been added.
You can modify an existing Team by navigating to it on the Manage Teams page, clicking View Team, and then clicking Edit in the top right corner.
Company Settings
Admins have the ability to modify the settings of your organization. Under Company Settings, a number of fields can be configured. This includes the company name, description, logo, location, and social media links.
You can find your Active plans by navigating to Management > Company Profile > Subscription.
To renew/upgrade or cancel your plan please reach out to our renewal team at, and we’ll promptly provide renewal options
customized to suit your business requirements.
If you are on a Lite Plan you can directly cancel it from the Subscription tab by clicking the red Cancel button.