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Searching for Candidates
Ryan Gordon avatar
Written by Ryan Gordon
Updated over 8 months ago

Using the Candidate Search feature, you can access a significant portion of our 1M+ user pool in order to find the perfect candidate for whichever position you are trying to fill. You can filter by Rank, search for a particular Skill such as Binary Exploitation or Kubernetes, limit your results to a particular location, and more.

Only users who have marked themselves as Available for Hire will appear here as well, so you don't have to worry about wasting time with uninterested candidates.

Filtering for Candidates

Under the Candidate Search tab, you will be able to view and filter Candidates via the menu on the right side of the page. There are currently four main ways to filter:

  • Hacker Rank Preference

  • Pro Lab Certifications

  • Location

  • Area of interest

  • Technology

  • Vulnerability

Hacker Rank is a ranking achieved on our platform by completing Active Content (the competitive aspect of the platform). Each Hacker Rank represents a certain percentage of active content that a user has previously completed.

The Pro Hacker rank for example is (permanently) achieved by reaching 45% Ownership of the Active Machines and Challenges on the platform.

Pro Lab Certifications can be used to filter for candidates who've completed one of our Pro Labs. This is useful if you are looking for a candidate with experience pentesting corporate network environments or with skills applicable to a Red Team.

Area of interest, Technology, and Vulnerability represent a particular skill, specific vulnerability or technology that the candidate works more often on.

Lastly, you can limit your search to a particular location, such as the United States or Greece.

Viewing a Candidate

After finding a promising candidate, you can view their profile for a more in-depth breakdown. Here, you can see their Area of interest and Techniques.

The same can be done for Challenges. You can view the percentage of each Challenge Category they've completed, such as Reverse Engineering or Web.

Under the Pro Labs tab, you can view a candidate's Pro Lab completion percentages.

Requesting Candidate Information

If you've found a Candidate you think would be a good match for you, you can request their contact information.

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Your request will show up under the user's Contact Requests tab under the Career Search page on HTB Labs, and they will also be notified of the request via email.

[video-to-gif output image]

If the user chooses to accept your request, they will have the option to fill out some basic contact information and submit it. Once they've done so, you will be able to see the accepted request under the Requests tab of the Candidate Search page and you will receive an email notifying you of a new response if you have the Talent Search notifications enabled from your profile notification settings.

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Keep in mind, that you won't be able to view the users' private information unless you've unlocked your Company Vault.

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