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Applying for a Job Opportunity

Learn how to apply for cybersecurity jobs using the Hack The Box platform!

Ryan Gordon avatar
Written by Ryan Gordon
Updated over a year ago

At any given time, countless Job Opportunities from many dozens of companies are available to be applied to on the Careers page. This article will guide you through each of the steps required to apply.

Determining Eligibility

Some Job Opportunities require you to have achieved a minimum Hacker Rank to eligible to apply for the job. You can improve your Hacker Rank by owning active Machines and Challenges.

To tell if you meet the rank requirements for a posted job, hover over the listing. If you are eligible, you will see a green label stating You are eligible for this job! If you aren't eligible, you'll see a red label telling you the minimum Rank required.

You can also tell if you are eligible by clicking on the Job Opportunity and visiting the job description page. You will see a label telling you if you are eligible or not on the right side of the page.

Searching for a Job Opportunity

To the right of the job listings, under the Jobs tab on the Careers page, you'll find a search bar labeled Search Jobs, as well as some filtering options to help sort through listings.


You can search for a wide range of parameters, such as company name, job title, or various other keywords, such as job location.

Filtering and Sorting

You can filter by Jobs Posted and Rank and sort by Release Date (post date), Job Title, and Company Title. To filter by one of the presented options, check the corresponding check box.

Filtering by Job Posted, we can display listings created only within the specified time period. The options available are Last week, Last month, and the Last 3 months.

Filtering by Rank, we can choose any of the seven available Hacker Ranks on the platform: Script Kiddy, Noob, Hacker, Pro Hacker, Elite Hacker, Guru, and Omniscient.

Note, selecting one of these will only display Job Opportunities that require that specific Rank, not all jobs of that Rank or less (and thus, not all jobs that someone of that Rank would be eligible for).

Lastly, we can sort by Release Date, Company Title, or Job Title, either ascending or descending order. You can do this by clicking on the Sort By button underneath the Rank filters.

Sorting by Release Date, we can view Job Opportunities in the order they were posted.

Submitting an Application

Once you have identified a Job Opportunity you'd like to apply for, the process is relatively straightforward.

First, either hover over the Job Opportunity you are interested in or click on it to go to the description page for the posting. In either case, click the green button labeled Apply for Job.

A popup form will appear, asking for some basic information. Specifically, it will ask for your Full Name, Phone Number, Email, and Curriculum URL (a link to your CV/resume).

Once you fill all this information in, click the Apply For Job button at the bottom of the form.

Once you apply, the contact information you provided, along with your Hack The Box profile, will be sent to the employer.

That's it! You are done. The job you applied to will be listed under the Applied Jobs tab, and should the employer decide to move forward with your application, you should expect to hear from them via the contact details you provided.

While applying to a job through the Hack The Box platform is not a guarantee of employment, it is a way to shortlist your application and make you stand out from the crowd! Good luck!

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